About Us

Thank you for your interest in Mo’Shea, LLC and taking the time to share in our journey of spreading love through good products and good energy to all who receive them. Enjoy!

Mo’Shea, LLC was established in September of 2018 with a desire to enhance the availability of plant-based, all-natural products for skin, hair and body care in a world where they are scarce. The majority of products in the beauty care industry contain less beneficial ingredients than they do harmful ones like fillers, sulfates, water, GMO’s, alcohols, parabens, perfumes and other drying ingredients that can cause irreversible damage to the skin over time. Our mission at Mo’Shea is to keep it simple, keep it clean, and keep it plant-based with a micro-focused eye on ingredients that are highly beneficial to skin health, elasticity, nourishment, protection, vibrancy and feel; and without the use of chemicals that cause dryness, irritation or pH imbalance to skin. Some of Mo’Shea’s product benefits include but are not limited to:

No Irritation:

Due to the use of plant-based ingredients in Mo’Shea products and without the use of any harmful chemicals, artificial colors, or other byproducts they are less likely to cause any skin irritation.


Not only are Mo’Shea products safe and beneficial to overall skin health, they are also good for the environment. There are absolutely no plastics used in the making, storing or packaging of Mo’Shea products which is dually beneficial in that it reduces the amount of plastic in the environment, and it avoids the transfer of dioxins from plastic packaging into the product itself when affected by changes in temperature. Whether you have sensitive skin or not, Mo’Shea’s plant-based skin, hair and body care products can be better for your health and the world around you.

Natural fragrance:

Mo’Shea products do not include artificial fragrances or perfumes, and are scented by natural ingredients which make them less harsh on skin. Traditional products sold in the skin care industry are fragranced artificially with chemicals that are absorbed through the skin into the body. Because so many chemical ingredients included in perfumes aren’t disclosed to the buyer, there are some well-founded concerns over the chemical reactions perfumes can trigger in our bodies (ie. hives, blisters, itchy/flaky skin, burning or redness of the skin, and/or sensitivity to touch).

Better Skin:

Natural, organic and plant-based skin care provided by the earth are loaded with minerals and nutrients that have been effective for centuries at keeping skin healthy. Mo’Shea products are handmade and include the finest quality plant-based ingredients used as is, with little to no processing to keep as many nutrients as possible. At Mo’Shea, we know from experience that there is no better care for our bodies than that which is grown.

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Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields fruit according to its own kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, the herb that yields seed according to its own kind, and the tree that yields fruit, whose seed is in itself according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. - Genesis 1:11-12