Tips, Tricks, Testimonials

Skincare is as important as maintaining good oral hygiene as it’s your most defining feature and the first impression people have of you. You’re skin represents you for a life time, it is never too late to invest in it.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

If there is one thing that holds true for everyone, it’s the importance of looking after ourselves, both mentally and physically. And if there’s one place that is not afraid to reveal both our inner and outer well-being, it’s our skin. As the largest organ in our bodies, our skin demands our attention – whether that’s applying daily sunscreen, keeping it hydrated by drinking water or using natural products that benefit your skin type. Hydration is key in overall physical health and is crucial to skin health because any lack of hydration will show there first.


Find out how much water you should be taking in every day. Water recommendations are different for men and women. According to Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT as posted by Nourish by WebMD, “It depends on your size and weight, and also on your activity level and where you live,” Nessler says. “In general, you should try to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound you weigh, every day.” For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, that would be 75 to 150 ounces of water a day.

Once you confirm how many ounces you should be drinking daily, aim to get the ounces in by using a water bottle that shows the ounces by measurement so you can keep track of what you’re taking in. Forgetful? Set a reminder in your phone for certain times in the day where you should have a set amount of ounces consumed. For example, if you set goal to drink 150 ounces of water per day you could set three reminders for morning, noon and night that encourage you to meet 50 ounces of water at that time.

Routine Please

We are all shedding skin cells throughout the day and the dead cells don’t disappear into thin air. If you want to keep your skin glowing and in good condition, it’s important to develop a skin care routine that works for you to keep up with the constant needs and changes your skin will experience in your lifetime. An effective routine can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep your skin looking its best.

A basic skin care routine that works well for all types can be followed in the morning before starting your day and at night before going to bed:

  1. Cleanse. Use a mild facial cleanser specific to your skin type that is as natural as possible, without perfumes or artificial coloring if possible.

  2. Tone. Use a toner that is free of alcohol to remove any excess oils that the cleanser may have left behind. Using a toner, post-cleanse, helps set the stage for the rest of your skincare routine. Toners can also calm your skin, visibly reduce pores, and keep your skin refreshed and hydrated.

  3. Moisturize. Use a moisturizer specific to your skin type that is as natural as possible, without drying ingredients like alcohol or sulfates. Moisturizing your skin is important to help prevent further breakouts. When your skin is dry and irritated, it actually causes breakouts and acne. By moisturizing your skin, you can reduce your chances of any skin problems arising. Facial moisturizers help balance your skin’s complexion and prevents acne breakouts.


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