
Cleanse, Restore, Balance & Transfer

“Your work is to tend to your own energy balance, and when you do, your world will come into perfect alignment.” - Abraham


Energy cleansing is like a vibrational reset. Negative energy, like toxins in your body go unseen. We may not be able to see them, but they can be felt and they can build up over time if you don’t take the time to cleanse the energy from your living space and your body.

Cleansing the energy of the spaces where you live and work and the things you use for energy healing, such as crystals or singing bowls, is an essential part of good spiritual hygiene. I recommend people cleanse the energy of their spaces at least once a week, and more if there has been negativity such as illness, arguments, stress, etc.; and cleanse tools they use at least once a week or even more if they get heavy use. For example, I cleanse the crystals and stone beads I wear before wearing them and the crystals that just sit in my house for decoration, I cleanse once a week.

Why Cleanse?

The science behind energy and vibration dates back to the 1600s when a Dutch scientist named Christiaan Huygens discovered that objects with different energy frequencies locked into phase when placed in physical proximity to one another. He noticed when he hung two pendulum clocks side by side on the wall, although they started with the pendulums swaying in different rhythms, they soon moved into the same rhythm. This gradual shifting of vibration to lock into phase is called entrainment, and it is a repeatable scientific phenomenon. The link below connects to a vide that demonstrates this principle with 32 mechanical metronomes that all started with a different frequency that eventually begin to move together.

Entrainment is an important principle when it comes to spiritual energy as well. Everything has a vibration. All physical matter is made up of tiny vibrating strands of energy; from the chair you might be sitting in right now, to the cells of your body, to the hair on top of your head. Everything in your environment is made up of these strands of energy existing in close proximity to one another. And, as we established, when two bodies oscillating at different frequencies are located next to one another, each adjusts its energy to the other so they begin to vibrate at the same rate.

​This is happening all around you all of the time. People who are sensitive to energy can feel it as it happens. For example, have you ever been somewhere alone and felt the energy shift when another person walks into a room? That is their energy and yours reacting to one another and shifting to meet somewhere in the middle.

In an ideal world, lower vibration would always climb to meet higher vibration while the higher vibration stayed the same. But that's not what happens. Generally, when there is a vast difference between the vibration of one object and the vibration of another, one raises, the other lowers, and the two meet somewhere in the middle. So the higher vibration comes down a bit and the lower vibration raises. That's why energetic cleansing is so important. If you bring an energy tool, such as a crystal, into your environment, it will raise your vibration, but it will also drop to meet the lower vibration of other objects around it.


After cleansing your energy, there are ways we can ground, restore and replenish our high vibrational or otherwise positive energy. Here are a few ways that work for me:

  • Deep breathing & meditation - I use this alone time to envision all the positive things I see for myself on my journey. I spend this time focusing on good feeling thoughts like goals in place, my connection to source and my trust in the process for where I am in life;

  • Reconnecting with nature - I do my best to get outside and take a walk or hike daily. It gives me an opportunity to connect with source and see how small I am in the grand scheme of things, and at the same time it helps me to see how connected I am to everything and everyone.

  • Sweat it out - Exercise is the best medicine for many. Stretching the many muscles of our bodies through YOGA and exerting energy to build sweat and release is a great way to rid ourselves of other impurities like anger, worry or fear.

  • Giving - You get what you give. You may find that the source to refuel your spiritual energy is in living a compassionate life. Oftentimes we forget that giving to others doesn’t only come in the form of traditional gifts, but also in many other simple or unexpected ways. Giving a call or inspirational text to a loved one who may be going through something, an appreciation post or even a compliment to a stranger not only lifts the vibrational energy of the recipient , but for you as the giver as well. When we give to others wholeheartedly without expecting anything in return, we raise our frequency and discover a never-ending source of energy. 

  • Release energy blocks - There are several main centers of energy (also known as chakras) located within our bodies, each one connected to one another, and bridging our physical selves with our spiritual selves. When we experience things like fear, stress, anxiety, and unhappiness, these energy hot spots can become blocked and potentially lead to a variety of other physical and spiritual challenges. Chiropractic or Reiki care can help with this.


According to the Textbook of Biochemistry and Human Biology, energy balance can be equated as, “Energy intake = internal heat produced + external work + energy stored.” Learning how to keep your energy well balanced throughout the day can lead to a more productive and resourceful you. Listed below are a few points that can help be the catalyst for a healthier lifestyle, and much more energy.

  • Ditch caffeine, sugar and cigarettes - these only lift your energy for a very short period of time but ultimately don’t benefit you in the long run, but rather drain your body, energy and sometimes pockets.

  • Stay hydrated with water - it’s thee best source of hydration and cleansing for your physical body.

  • Lose excess weight - it improves overall health and mood. It also keeps you from feeling weighed down or lethargic.

  • Make stretching a part of your daily routine - It keeps the body functioning for longer. If you don’t use or stretch the muscles that you have, you will lose them more rapidly over time.

  • Count Your blessings - this is my favorite. It instantly changes my thoughts to positive and teaches my subconscious mind to scan my memory bank for positives instead of focusing on the negative.


Energy is contagious. Either you affect people or you infect people. Stay conscious of your energy. If your mood or energy is off, pay attention to that and do the necessary work you need to do for you to restore and rebalance before transferring it to others around you.

“Everything is energy. Your thought begins it, your emotion amplifies it and your action increases the momentum.” - Nikola Tesla